Jamaica’s import of Aluminium Foil during 2018-20 recognizes robust growth

Around the world, as most of the economies are suffering, the impact also continues the same for the Jamaican economy, which has been significantly impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. On a bigger picture, the government revenues shrunk by double digits even as emergency health expenditures, as well as social and economic support expenditures rose.

The Caribbean island nation with a population of 2.96 million has recorded a significant aluminium foil import volume of 623 tonnes during 2018-19 and the expenditure that occurred for import remained at $3.04 million. The import for 2020 stood at 599 tonnes and the expenditures remained at $2.10 million. However, when the import volume and expenditure of 2020 gets merged with the existing two years, it demonstrates 1222 tonnes and $5.14 million respectively.

Jamaica’s import of aluminium foil in 2018 stood at 270 tonnes and the expenditure made remained at $1.87 million, whereas, in 2019, the import revealed growth by 30.74%, as the import volume rose to 353 tonnes, while the expenditure dropped and stood at $1.17 million.

The import for 2020 again delivered growth by 69.68%, as the import volume grew 599 tonnes and the expenditure rose to $2.10 million.

Jamaica’s major trading destinations for the importation of aluminium foil are Canada, China, El Salvador, Switzerland, USA, etc.