Vietnam makes final anti-dumping mid-term review against China-related galvanized steel sheet and coil

On October 31, 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued Resolution No. 2717/QD-BCT, making a final anti-dumping mid-term review of galvanized steel sheets (Vietnamese: phẩm thép mạ) originating in China and South Korea, and decided to continue the investigation. The products involved are subject to anti-dumping duties (see the table below for tax rates), and the validity period is from October 25, 2020 to April 14, 2022. The Vietnamese tax numbers of the products involved are 7210.41.11, 7210.41.12, 7210.41.19, 7210.49.11, 7210.49.12, 7210.49.13, 7210.49.19, 7210.49.19, 7210.49.10, 7210.61.11, 7210.61.12, 7210.61.19 , 7210.69.11, 7210.69.12, 7210.69.19, 7210.10.10, 7210.90.90, 7212.30.11, 7212.30.12, 7212.30.13, 7212.30. .14, 7212.50.19, 7212.50.23, 7212.50.24, 7212.50.29, 7212.50.93, 7212.50.94, 7212.50.99, 7212.60.11, 7212.60.12, 7212.60.19, 7212.60.91, 7212.60.99 , 7225.92.90, 7226.99.11 and 7226.99.91.

On March 3, 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued an announcement to initiate an anti-dumping investigation on galvanized steel sheets originating in China (including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) and South Korea. On March 30, 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued an announcement, making affirmative final anti-dumping rulings on the products involved in China and South Korea. On December 27, 2019, Vietnam initiated an anti-dumping mid-term review investigation on the products involved in China and South Korea.

Attached table: Vietnam’s anti-dumping anti-dumping against China-related galvanized steel plate mid-term review final ruling tax table:

NO.ManufacturerExporteraAnti-dumping rate
I. 中国生产商和出口商
1烨辉(中国)科技材料有限公司(Yieh Phui (China)  Technomaterial Co., Ltd.Chin Fong Metal Pte., Ltd.3.17%
2霸州市三强金属制品有限公司(Bazhou Sanqiang Metal Products Co., Ltd.1. 苏美达国际技术贸易有限公司(Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd.26.36%
2. Win Faith Trading Limited
3. 杭州热联国贸有限公司(Hangzhou Ciec International Co., Ltd.
4. Hangzhou Cogeneration (Hong Kong) Company  Limited
5. Singapore (Cogeneration) Steel Pte. Ltd.
6. Rich Fortune Int’l Industrial Limited
7. China-Base Resources Ningbo Ltd.
8. 上海南塔实业有限公司(Shanghai Nanta Industry Co., Ltd.
3本钢浦项冷轧薄板有限责任公司(BX Steel POSCO Cold Rolled Sheet Co., Ltd.本钢集团国际经济贸易有限公司(Benxi Iron and Steel International Economic and  Trading Co., Ltd.38.34%
4本钢板材股份有限公司(Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd.本钢集团国际经济贸易有限公司(Benxi Iron and Steel International Economic and  Trading Co., Ltd.27.36%
5天津海钢板材有限公司(Tianjin Haigang Steel Coil Co., Ltd1. 天津海津德商贸有限公司(Tianjin Haijinde Trading Co., Ltd.26.32%
2. 杭州热联国贸有限公司(Hangzhou Ciec International Co., Ltd.
3. Hangzhou Cogeneration (Hong Kong) Company  Limited
4. Singapore (Cogeneration) Steel Pte. Ltd.
5. 苏美达国际技术贸易有限公司(Sumec International Technology Co., Ltd.
6. Win Faith Trading Limited
7. Rich Fortune Int’l Industrial Limited
8. 中基宁波集团股份有限公司(China-Base Resources Ningbo Ltd
9. Chengtong International Limited
10. 中国诚通国际贸易有限公司(China Chengtong International Co., Ltd.
11. Sino Commodities International Pte. Ltd.
12. 浙江物产国际贸易有限公司(Zhejiang Materials Industry International Co., Ltd.
13. Arsen International (HK) Limited
14. 上海南塔实业有限公司(Shanghai Nanta Industry Co., Ltd.
6河钢唐山分公司(Hebei Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Tangshan Branch唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司(Tangshan Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd.38.34%
7武汉钢铁(集团)公司(Wuhan Iron and Steel Company Limited1. 武钢集团国际经济贸易有限公司(International Economic and Trading Corporation  WISCO33.49%
2. 武港贸易有限公司(Wugang Trading Company Limited
3. Ye-Steel Trading Co., Limited
4. Steelco Pacific Trading Limited
8霸州市万事达科技有限公司(Bazhou Wanshida Technology Co., Ltd6.40%
II. 韩国生产商和出口商
10POSCO1. Posco International Corporation7.02%
2. POSCO Asia
3. POSCO Processing & Service Co., Ltd
4. Samsung C&T Corporation